Thursday, July 3, 2014

Summer Rush!

I have been working hard to organize, be healthy, and to be happy. It has made the days go by way too fast! I can’t believe it’s already July! My summer is almost over, and I haven’t even accomplished half the things I wanted to. I hope I can do everything I need/want to. 

June 26- I want to add fish to my diet. I tried a tuna salad and it actually wasn't bad.

June 27- I love it when it rains! I took this picture, and I think it looks pretty cool.

 June 28- Coll and I went to the Bear River Massacre site. It was sad to read about what took place here. I love learning about history, but sometimes I can't believe the things that happen.

 June 29- Coll and I went to the Hill Air Force Base to see the air show. My mom, dad, and little brother went too. It was fun! Coll had to wear his Captain America shirt and thought he was funny to put an Air Force sticker as the shield. I got a cool tat (fake of course!)

June 30- Coll and I were up early to go on a hike. We even had a delicious egg omelet before we left. 


July 1- Wen to Chuckie Cheese with these crazy boys. It was a lot of fun to chase Ben around. You would have swore it was Disneyland for that kid!

 July 2- Eggrolls are one of my favorite things in the world! I made them on the 1st, but I love them even more when they are reheated! YUM!!

 July 3- Today! Sadly, my yoga ball met its demise. Cooper got the best of this little guy. I went to the store and came back to find a huge hole at the top. Cooper: 1 Yoga Ball: 0 Cooper is lucky it was only $10.00 or I would have been mad!

Thursday, June 26, 2014


I have been feeling really unmotivated for the past two weeks. I have been trying to get my butt in gear, but I haven't been able to motivate myself to do any of my summer goals. I haven't been following my seven habit goals, which has left me feeling defeated. I am overwhelming myself with too much! I need to take it one step at a time. So, for the month of July I have decided to really hit my health goals. I am going to focus on these goals because I want to have healthy habits before school starts! I'm actually thinking of starting a new blog about health and teaching. Something catchy like, The Fantastically Fit Teacher or The Energetic, Fit Elementary Teacher. I will come up with something cool. On to the million pictures I have missed for over a week!

I was totally lost for a second. For some reason one of my posts from last week didn't get published. So, I only have 9 pictures to post not 13!

June 18- I have decided I want to add fish to my diet. I don't love fish, but I'm willing to try. I raided Coll's Grandma's recipes. I found a few that might work.

June 19- Cooper loves it when Coll mows the lawn. He thinks it's a game. He especially likes it when Coll will play fetch with him as he mows. This dog is crazy!

June 20- I try to go on a hike once a week. It really helps spice up my workouts. Cooper loves the hikes. We actually ran most of the trail this time. He was pretty warn out. He got 3 complements from people as we walked. They said he was either a pretty dog or a good dog. I almost gave him to those people! 

June 21- I finally finished this bad boy! It took me a few days, but I did it! Coll sat and felt my puzzle for like 5 minutes. He says he doesn't have patience for a puzzle, but he likes the feeling. What a weirdo!

June 22- We went on a hike in Idaho. Coll thought he was pretty cool walking on the rocks. I was secretly hoping he would fall in!

June 23- Went to the zoo with these crazy boys. It was a lot of fun. 

June 24- I drove this bad boy to feed the ducks. Riding on this makes me feel so peaceful. It calms me and helps me forget about my problems.

June 25- Cooper is normally scared of my yoga ball, but for some reason he really likes moving it in his sleep. I heard it moving, turned around, and saw Cooper hitting it as he tried to run in his sleep. Crazy dog!

I am now all caught up! I haven't really found something to take a picture of today. Hopefully something fun will come my way!

Week 2 of Effective Habits!

Sunday I planned my week. I have a lot I want to accomplish this week. Mostly organizing my house and school crap. I have been taking loads to my classroom, but my front room is still jammed packed with crap. I also want to get a library card from the Lewiston Library. I love libraries!

Monday I was suppose to practice empathetic listening. It's hard to do that when my husband never talks about what is frustrating him. If anyone needs someone to listen to their frustrations, give me a call! I practiced this type of listening at a training and it is harder than you think. I always want to help people fix their problems, but this type of listening is way for them to vent and decide how to fixing their own problems. This is something I need to practice!!

Today I am suppose to have a proactive day. This is hard because my day started with my dog farting as he got off the bed and my perfect PB&J had mold on the bread. I'm stuck eating oatmeal! I am determined to be proactive. I will make sure to look for the positive in everything and accomplish what I need to do. I can feel it, today is going to be a good day!


Saturday was spent with my family. At my parents house we made a fire and burned pictures of my little brother's ex-girlfriend. I think it really helped him let go of her toxic, backstabbing, stupid face! As you can see I despise her for hurting my little brother. We also roasted marshmallows! 

 I had to wear my new favorite shirt on Sunday. I had to go to 3 different stores to finally find it, but it was worth it in the end. I love the Goonies. Chunk and Sloth are my favorite characters. Coll thought I was weird for needing this shirt. Goonies is a classic in my book, which is why I had to have it!

Coll couldn't find his keys for work on Monday. We looked everywhere! We took apart chairs, moved furniture, looked outside, I mean EVERYWHERE!! I came to my purse and asked Coll if he had checked it. He said he had, so I moved on not wasting anytime. He had to drive my car to work. I still looked as he went to work. When he got home he asked me if he could dump out my purse. To cut a long story short, the damn keys were in my purse the whole time!! Poor guy was making himself sick over the stupid keys. I'm just glad we found them!

My morning wasn't off to a great start. It's a cold, wet day today. I was suppose to go feed ducks with a friend, but I highly doubt we are going. When I checked the weather and saw snow on the forecast for tomorrow, I started to get a little annoyed. From the dog fart, moldy bread, and now snow, I was starting to feel a little down. Belle knew how to brighten up the gloomy day. She was eating lettuce and looked up at me. I love watching her eat. It cracks me up!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Health Frustrations!!

I really want to be healthy. I have been reading a lot about health. I read a lot of blogs and wonder how these people have the time to prepare these meals. Sure, I have the time now, but what will happen when I go back to school? I have been planning a two week meal plan for over an hour, and I am becoming very frustrated. This takes a lot of planning! I am trying to make sure I balance my menu, which is taking me twice as long. I also have to keep in mind my budget. I can slap together a healthy meal plan, but I will be left going over budget. How do people do this?!

I have been counting my calories for over a week now. I have lost 3 pounds because of it. I don't just want to be skinny, I want to be healthy!! I have limited my crappy food intake, but I need to know how to make healthy meals that provide the health benefits I'm looking for.

There I vented. I will now go back to planning a menu for the next two weeks!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Why Bad Days?

The past few days have left me feeling negative. I feel overwhelmed, betrayed, and bitter. I try to be positive, but I just am in a poopy mood. Today on my hike up Logan Canyon, I realized I have nothing to be bitter about. I have so much to be thankful for;
  • I have my health
  • I have a loving husband
  • I have a roof over my head
  • I have food on the table
  • I have clean water
  • I have a great family
  • I have four crazy nephews and one niece who love me
  • I have a job that changes the world
I have nothing to complain about. So, why am I complaining? I let things get to me, which causes me to believe I have a hard life. I allow people to let me feel betrayed. I allow these feelings. This frustrates me more than anything. I have allowed these people to put me in a poopy mood. I have been praying a lot about strength and courage. I need all the help I can get to not let people get to me.

I have put a hold on my 7 Habits book until Sunday. It is hard to follow when you start it in the middle of the week. I am still practicing being proactive, putting first-things-first, and all that, but I will wait to post about it after Sunday.



I unpacked a few boxes and found these awesome scarves. I didn't realize I had this many!
This is my baby! I have had it for 3 years now. My amazing husband bought it for me while we were engaged. People make fun of the size, but I still get he motorcycle wave from bikers. It makes me feel so cool to have them do the wave. 

I found an Amazon gift card I didn't know I had. I bought this bad boy with part of it. I hope all the pieces are here. If I am missing any I'm going to have a BF.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Coll and I went camping. It was really pretty! We really needed to take time and enjoy each other. It was a great camping trip.

I tried to make french toast in the dutch oven. It didn't really turn out. At least my dutch oven looked great!


I made homemade banana bread today. It is a healthier version. It uses honey, bananas, wheat flour, eggs, and apple sauce. I was really worried it would taste weird but it tasted great! Coll didn't even notice the difference. I will for sure be making this again!

Day 5,6, & 7

Day 5: Make a Deposit in Someone's bank. I made a deposit in Coll's bank by taking a relaxing camping trip with him. He really needed to get away from everything. We went up Hyrum Canyon. It is fun.

Day 6: Do I value others? I do value people. I think learning about different beliefs is very interesting. I do struggle with politics and religion. I don't like it when people force their beliefs on me. I respect different opinions, but when someone tries to tell me their opinion is fact I don't value it. I can work on being more accepting of politics.

Day 7: Make up day/day off. I took today to make another deposit in Coll's account. I surprised him with homemade banana bread, enchiladas, and peach tea. He appreciated that I had it ready for him when he got home. I also took time today to walk to the cute little market down the street. It just made me happy to be outside.

Goal update: Ran two miles today! Sunday and Monday weren't as productive, but I did great today!